Quiz2D Statistics

The following statistics are for Version 6 of the quiz. Version 6 was deployed on September 12, 2004. (The earliest version of Quiz2D was written back in 1999 as a Windows program. It was first run on the web as a Java applet a year or two afterwards—I forget exactly when.) This talley was performed on 2012-09-10

(return to main stats page)

All Takers 302551 100.0 All Takers is everyone who took the quiz.
All Except Radicals 258511 85.4 All Except Radicals is everyone except those who scored near the corners.
Moderates 18274 6.0 Moderates are those very close to the center.
Smaller Government Centrists 34225 11.3 Smaller Government Centrists are those in the Libertarian quadrant but within the center circle.
Liberal-Leaning Centrists 27235 9.0 Liberal-Leaning Centrists are those in the Liberal quadrant but within the center circle.
Conservative-Leaning Centrists 15444 5.1 Conservative-Leaning Centrists are those in the Conservative quadrant but within the center circle.
Bigger Government Centrists 12526 4.1 Bigger Government Centrists are those in the Communitarian quadrant but within the center circle.
All Centrists 107704 35.6 All Centrists is everyone who landed in the center circle.
Moderate Libertarians 74167 24.5 Moderate Libertarians are those in the Libertarian quadrant who are outside the center circle but are at least 26 points from the top corner.
Left-Leaning Libertarians 45606 15.1 Left-Leaning Libertarians are those in the left side of the Libertarian quadrant who are outside the center circle but are at least 26 points from the top corner.
Right-Leaning Libertarians 28561 9.4 Right-Leaning Libertarians are those in the right side of Libertarian quadrant who are outside the center circle but are at least 26 points from the top corner.
Radical Libertarians 28946 9.6 Radical Libertarians are those within 26 points of the Libertarian Corner.
All Libertarians 103113 34.1 All Libertarians are those in the Libertarian quadrant who are outside the center circle.
Social Liberals 38890 12.9 Social Liberals are in the Liberal quadrant while being above the equator, and are outside the center circle but at least 26 points from the left corner.
Economic Liberals 10829 3.6 Economic Liberals are those in the Liberal quadrant while being below the equator, and are outside the center ring but at least 26 points from the left corner.
Radical Liberals 8462 2.8 Radical Liberals are those within 26 points of the left corner.
All Liberals 58181 19.2 All Liberals are those in the Liberal quadrant while being outside the center circle.
Economic Conservatives 10846 3.6 Economic Conservatives are those who are in the Conservative quadrant while being above the equator, and are outside the center ring but at least 26 points from the right corner.
Social Conservatives 6479 2.1 Social Conservatives are those who are in the Conservative quadrant while being below the equator, and are outside the center ring but at least 26 points from the right corner.
Radical Conservatives 2364 0.8 Radical Conservatives are those who are within 26 points of the right corner.
All Conservatives 19689 6.5 All Conservatives are those who are in the Conservative quadrant while being outside the center.
Communitarians 9596 3.2 Communitarians are those in the bottom quadrant and outside the center ring but at least 26 points from the bottom corner.
Authoritarians 4268 1.4 Authoritarians are those within 26 points of the bottom corner
Communitarians and Authoritarians 13864 4.6 Communitarians and Authoritarians combined are those in the bottom quadrant and outside the center ring.

(return to main stats page)