The following statistics are for Version 6 of the quiz. Version 6 was deployed on September 12, 2004. (The earliest version of Quiz2D was written back in 1999 as a Windows program. It was first run on the web as a Java applet a year or two afterwards—I forget exactly when.) This talley was performed on 2012-09-10
Subset | Number | Percent | Explanation |
All Takers | 302551 | 100.0 | All Takers is everyone who took the quiz. |
All Except Radicals | 258511 | 85.4 | All Except Radicals is everyone except those who scored near the corners. |
Moderates | 18274 | 6.0 | Moderates are those very close to the center. |
Smaller Government Centrists | 34225 | 11.3 | Smaller Government Centrists are those in the Libertarian quadrant but within the center circle. |
Liberal-Leaning Centrists | 27235 | 9.0 | Liberal-Leaning Centrists are those in the Liberal quadrant but within the center circle. |
Conservative-Leaning Centrists | 15444 | 5.1 | Conservative-Leaning Centrists are those in the Conservative quadrant but within the center circle. |
Bigger Government Centrists | 12526 | 4.1 | Bigger Government Centrists are those in the Communitarian quadrant but within the center circle. |
All Centrists | 107704 | 35.6 | All Centrists is everyone who landed in the center circle. |
Moderate Libertarians | 74167 | 24.5 | Moderate Libertarians are those in the Libertarian quadrant who are outside the center circle but are at least 26 points from the top corner. |
Left-Leaning Libertarians | 45606 | 15.1 | Left-Leaning Libertarians are those in the left side of the Libertarian quadrant who are outside the center circle but are at least 26 points from the top corner. |
Right-Leaning Libertarians | 28561 | 9.4 | Right-Leaning Libertarians are those in the right side of Libertarian quadrant who are outside the center circle but are at least 26 points from the top corner. |
Radical Libertarians | 28946 | 9.6 | Radical Libertarians are those within 26 points of the Libertarian Corner. |
All Libertarians | 103113 | 34.1 | All Libertarians are those in the Libertarian quadrant who are outside the center circle. |
Social Liberals | 38890 | 12.9 | Social Liberals are in the Liberal quadrant while being above the equator, and are outside the center circle but at least 26 points from the left corner. |
Economic Liberals | 10829 | 3.6 | Economic Liberals are those in the Liberal quadrant while being below the equator, and are outside the center ring but at least 26 points from the left corner. |
Radical Liberals | 8462 | 2.8 | Radical Liberals are those within 26 points of the left corner. |
All Liberals | 58181 | 19.2 | All Liberals are those in the Liberal quadrant while being outside the center circle. |
Economic Conservatives | 10846 | 3.6 | Economic Conservatives are those who are in the Conservative quadrant while being above the equator, and are outside the center ring but at least 26 points from the right corner. |
Social Conservatives | 6479 | 2.1 | Social Conservatives are those who are in the Conservative quadrant while being below the equator, and are outside the center ring but at least 26 points from the right corner. |
Radical Conservatives | 2364 | 0.8 | Radical Conservatives are those who are within 26 points of the right corner. |
All Conservatives | 19689 | 6.5 | All Conservatives are those who are in the Conservative quadrant while being outside the center. |
Communitarians | 9596 | 3.2 | Communitarians are those in the bottom quadrant and outside the center ring but at least 26 points from the bottom corner. |
Authoritarians | 4268 | 1.4 | Authoritarians are those within 26 points of the bottom corner |
Communitarians and Authoritarians | 13864 | 4.6 | Communitarians and Authoritarians combined are those in the bottom quadrant and outside the center ring. |