Activity Breakdown

LP Activities that Increase Liberty

The definition of activities that increase liberty are those unequivocably reduce tyranny and/or preserve existing liberties. They do not include those activities which are intermediate stages that may produce more liberty if the Libertarian Party grows to mainstream party size. Another way of putting it is: these are activities that are worth doing today even if the Libertarian Party were to be disbanded tomorrow; they are worth doing in an of themselves.

LP Activities that Don't Affect Liberty

These are activities that don't hurt the cause of liberty, but do relatively little help the cause except to the extent that they help the LP (and that a growing LP is good for liberty). That is, if the LP were to disappear tomorrow, the effort performing these activities would have been better spent elsewhere: such as within one of the other parties or with a special interest group.

LP Activities that Decrease Liberty

These are activities that are detrimental to the cause of liberty. Indeed, the detriment can grow worse as the LP grows!