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Guns To what degree should guns be regulated/restricted in the modern age?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
19.2% 19790 18.1% 80.9 A. None. Any system of registration is an invitation for future seizure. The Second Amendment guarantees the right for civilians to own military grade firearms. 100
17.3% 18218 16.7% 79.3 B. Less. We need more upstanding citizens carrying concealed weapons so criminals and mad men can be stopped quickly. 75
12.3% 14185 13.0% 72.2 C. About the same as we do now. 55
27.2% 30994 28.4% 73.3 D. A bit more. Require registration and background checks for pistols and semi-automatic rifles but not for shotguns and bolt action rifles. (See this proposal.) 47
4.7% 5382 4.9% 72.7 E. Ban large ammunition clips. 45
10.1% 11004 10.1% 76.3 F. Ban all semi-automatic weapons from civilian use. 24
4.2% 4420 4.0% 78.9 G. Ban all pistols and semi-automatic weapons from civilian use. 10
5.1% 5329 4.9% 80.2 H. Ban all civilian firearm ownership entirely. 0
100% 109322 100% 76.4 Total56.6

Sex Industry To what degree should the sex industry be legal?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
13.4% 13117 12.0% 74.2 A. None, outlaw pornography AND strip clubs. 0
4.4% 4620 4.2% 68.4 B. Much less, outlaw pornography OR strip clubs. 20
13.9% 15228 13.9% 65.9 C. Less. Make it harder to get pornography, but allow it for determined adults. For example, all dirty images on the Internet should be behind paywalls. 40
29.2% 34271 31.3% 61.6 D. Current law: outlaw and regulate as we do now. 50
23.6% 26167 23.9% 65.2 E. More legal. Keep strip clubs and pornography as legal as they are today, and legalize prostitution as well. 90
15.6% 15919 14.6% 71.0 F. Completely legal. Eliminate geographic restrictions on strip clubs, and legalize prostitution as well. 100
100% 109322 100% 66.2 Total57.8

Immigration What should the U.S. immigration policy be?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
8.5% 9076 8.3% 76.6 A. Open the gates! Borders are artificial. Let the welfare system crash and shantytowns bloom. Overall, more people benefit with fully open borders. 100
21.5% 24243 22.2% 72.7 B. Raise the quotas a bit, but favor skilled immigrants. 70
14.5% 16810 15.4% 70.8 C. Keep the existing immigration laws. 50
4.7% 5407 4.9% 70.6 D. Raise taxes on poor but give all citizens a monthly rebate check. This could be the 'prebate' promoted by the Fair Tax folks, or making the income tax flat towards the bottom coupled with a citizen's dividend. This ensures that all guest workers are net taxpayers. 66
13.8% 14969 13.7% 75.8 E. Seal the borders but don't violate civil liberties trying to hunt down illegals already within the country. 40
5.9% 6332 5.8% 76.6 F. Institute a national ID in order to catch illegals within the borders. 24
5.7% 6235 5.7% 74.9 G. Reduce the immigration quotas so we can assimilate the immigrants we have. 30
13.6% 14329 13.1% 77.9 H. Do two of the above three options (seal borders, national ID, reduced quotas). 10
11.9% 11921 10.9% 81.7 I. Do all of the above three options to reduce immigration. 0
100% 109322 100% 75.0 Total43.8

Public Education Should our system of public education be significantly reformed?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
2.3% 2537 2.3% 80.9 A. Yes, we need more class time. Extend school hours to match standard work hours. 30
2.6% 2778 2.5% 84.2 B. Yes, we need more class time. Extend the school year and get rid of the long summer break when the kids forget what they have learned. 30
21.4% 22301 20.4% 85.9 C. Yes, we need better trained teachers. Require graduate degrees to teach and pay teachers accordingly. 30
2.6% 3002 2.7% 76.5 D. Yes, we need more discipline. Require school uniforms. 30
8.7% 9361 8.6% 83.3 E. Any 2 of the above. 20
4.5% 4742 4.3% 84.8 F. Any 3 of the above. 10
4.9% 5262 4.8% 83.8 G. All of the above. 0
10.7% 12224 11.2% 78.7 H. No, our system has its problems, but it fosters creativity and universal citizenship. 50
18.4% 19902 18.2% 83.0 I. No, but we do need more funding for our existing system. 40
9.2% 10452 9.6% 79.2 J. The schools need competition to keep administrations on the bounce. We need more charter schools and other forms of public school choice. 60
7.0% 7862 7.2% 79.6 K. We need more competition. Grant school vouchers for students who go to private school (at a fraction of the marginal cost of public school). 75
2.2% 2526 2.3% 78.5 L. Charge partial tuition for public schools and grant scholarships for poor students. (This gets around the religious freedom problem that vouchers present.) 80
3.0% 3365 3.1% 79.0 M. Sell off the public schools and grant school vouchers for all children. 90
2.6% 3008 2.8% 77.1 N. Sell off the public schools and completely separate school from state. Let charities figure out how to educate the poor. 100
100% 109322 100% 82.1 Total41.3

Trade Policy What should the U.S. trade policy be?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
31.7% 36797 33.7% 68.1 A. Continue as currently, more or less. 50
13.4% 14237 13.0% 74.4 B. Get rid of all tariffs, quotas, and export subsidies. 100
17.5% 18893 17.3% 73.1 C. Aggressively enforce existing trade laws, retaliating against foreign subsidies which hurt domestic industries. 35
13.0% 13556 12.4% 75.5 D. Increase tariffs and/or pull out of some/all of our trade agreements. 25
8.1% 8448 7.7% 75.9 E. Implement an all out industrial policy. 0
16.3% 17391 15.9% 74.0 F. Get rid of the existing reams of tariff schedules and trade agreements, but tax imports implicitly by having a national sales tax. This sales tax could replace Social Security taxes, the federal income tax, or both. 80
100% 109322 100% 72.2 Total51.7

Health Care What should we do about exploding health care costs?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
18.8% 20313 18.6% 81.5 A. Give ObamaCare a chance. Stay the course. 40
18.6% 20565 18.8% 79.8 B. Stop messing about. Enact British style single payer system now. (Government paid medicine by default, but paying doctors out of pocket still legal.) 15
20.5% 21466 19.6% 84.4 C. Everyone should have equal health care. Enact a Canadian style single payer system. (Paying doctors out of pocket illegal.) 0
10.8% 12032 11.0% 79.2 D. Repeal ObamaCare and go back to what we had before, perhaps with some tort reform. 55
8.5% 9477 8.7% 79.1 E. Repeal ObamaCare and have an individual tax deduction for health insurance instead of requiring people to go through their employers to get the tax exemption. 70
6.0% 6720 6.1% 79.0 F. Repeal ObamaCare and replace tax free employer provided health insurance with a capped tax credit. (A tax credit gives the working poor incentive to buy health insurance. A cap gets rid of the subsidy for "Cadillac plans.") 80
8.8% 9871 9.0% 79.0 G. Repeal ObamaCare and the employer provided health insurance exemption. Instead, give all citizens a health insurance voucher sufficient to buy a catastrophic health insurance policy. This better insures the poor, which leaving it to the market whether to pay ordinary medical bills out of pocket or buy more than catastrophic coverage. 86
7.9% 8878 8.1% 78.6 H. Repeal ObamaCare, the employer provided health insurance exemption, Medicare, Medicaid, and most restrictions on practicing medicine. Let nurses handle the mundane illnesses. Let pharmacists recommend and sell medicines to the already diagnosed without requiring expensive prescriptions. 100
100% 109322 100% 80.7 Total42.5

Marijuana Should marijuana be legalized?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
8.2% 9223 8.4% 66.0 A. No. Keep current laws on the books. 50
5.6% 5822 5.3% 71.9 B. No, and crack down on states which de facto legalize marijuana through lax "medical marijuana" laws. 30
6.2% 6379 5.8% 72.5 C. No, and expand enforcement. Throw the book at rich white users the same as we do with poor blacks. 0
11.2% 13017 11.9% 64.0 D. Partially. Legalize medical marijuana, but with a stricter definition of medical than California uses. 60
3.7% 4357 4.0% 63.9 E. Partially. Use California's medical marijuana laws as a national model. 70
6.5% 7640 7.0% 63.3 F. Decriminalize only. Make marijuana possession and dealing a fineable offense, with fines in proportion to amount found. 80
48.4% 52730 48.2% 68.1 G. Yes. Legalize marijuana outright, but tax and regulate it like we do hard liquor. 90
10.1% 10154 9.3% 74.0 H. Yes. Legalize marijuana and don't regulate or tax. 100
100% 109322 100% 67.9 Total74.0

Hard Drugs Should we change our laws against hard drugs?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
16.7% 18599 17.0% 69.4 A. No. Keep the laws we have on the books, and enforce at current levels. 50
23.0% 24558 22.5% 72.3 B. No. Keep existing laws and extend vigorous enforcement. Treat rich white users as harshly as poor minorities caught with hard drugs. 20
8.1% 8401 7.7% 74.3 C. Increase the penalties for possession to those for dealing so the courts don't have to prove intention to distribute. 0
8.5% 8927 8.2% 73.7 D. In addition to existing enforcement, seal the borders so cocaine and opium cannot get into the country. 35
16.0% 18275 16.7% 67.6 E. Keep the laws, but back off on some of the more aggressive police state tactics (no knock searches, civil asset forfeiture...). Instead, seal the borders and search for the drugs at border crossings instead of doing dangerous no-knock searches on citizens. 65
5.9% 6769 6.2% 67.7 F. Yes. but legalize the more dilute forms only (cf. coca leaf, smokeable opium). 90
3.8% 4204 3.8% 69.6 G. Legalize hard drugs for licensed users only. (Like Timothy Leary's proposal. License drug use like we license drivers and pilots.) 85
2.0% 2264 2.1% 68.0 H. Legalize dilute forms for licensed users only. 75
1.3% 1490 1.4% 67.9 I. Legalize hard drugs for limited jurisdictions only (Nevada, Indian reservations...), like we do for casino gambling today. 90
0.9% 1032 0.9% 68.1 J. Legalize dilute forms of hard drugs for limited jurisdictions only. 80
1.7% 1849 1.7% 69.6 K. Legalize dilute forms for licensed users within limited jurisdictions. 65
12.0% 12954 11.8% 71.6 L. Legalize all hard drugs period. Punish only those who cannot handle their highs and hurt others. 100
100% 109322 100% 70.6 Total51.4

Other Welfare Programs Should we change or eliminate our government welfare system? (For the purposes of this question, don't consider Social Security, healthcare programs, or public education, as we cover those elsewhere. Also, do not consider government aid for the truly handicapped as part of this question; let's just consider those who don't need a caregiver or be institutionalized.)
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
28.0% 31274 28.6% 73.2 A. Keep the current programs of food stamps, monetary supplements, public housing and child care as is more or less. 50
10.4% 11147 10.2% 76.4 B. We need more welfare. Repeal the welfare reforms of the Clinton era. 20
8.5% 8738 8.0% 80.0 C. Even pre-Clinton welfare was too stingy. Expand and/or add to existing programs and promote them more aggressively. 0
17.4% 19372 17.7% 73.5 D. Trim existing programs. 55
6.9% 7629 7.0% 74.0 E. Block grant the programs and pass responsibility to the states. 70
8.0% 8732 8.0% 74.5 F. Pass responsibility to the states without block grants. (Cut federal taxes and let the states raise taxes as they see fit.) 90
9.5% 10446 9.6% 74.7 G. Replace federal welfare and tax deductions with a universal stipend for all adult citizens. Let the states and/or charities handle the outliers. 80
11.3% 11984 11.0% 76.9 H. Eliminate all government funded welfare. Let private charities care for the needy. 100
100% 109322 100% 74.8 Total56.5

Social Security How should we fund Social Security as the Baby Boomers retire? Should we continue Social Security?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
15.3% 16618 15.2% 74.6 A. Raise income taxes and let the Treasury pay what it owes to the Social Security trust fund as needed. 40
11.8% 12756 11.7% 74.7 B. Increase payroll taxes as needed when the number of workers/retiree goes from 3/1 to 2/1. (This would boost employee/employer FICA taxes from 6.2% each to close to 9% each.) 30
9.5% 10198 9.3% 75.4 C. Invest payroll taxes in the stock market so Social Security reflects asset growth vs. wage growth.(Note: this would turn the Social Security Administration into an enormous pension fund, controlling a sizeable fraction of the stock market.) 0
8.1% 9049 8.3% 72.3 D. Ramp up the retirement age so the average number of years for receiving government checks is brought back down to 5. (But what about manual laborers whose bodies lose strength at the current retirement age?) 50
7.9% 8849 8.1% 72.6 E. Means test Social Security payouts. (In effect this is a retroactive tax on retirees who saved enough for retirement on their own.) 20
11.9% 13299 12.2% 72.5 F. Replace Social Security with a purely aged-based MINIMUM income (comparable to current minimum Social Security payouts) funded out of general revenues. 75
12.5% 13421 12.3% 75.5 G. Replace Social Security with a forced savings plan for the young. Pay existing retirees and the soon to be retired out of general funds. 90
22.9% 25132 23.0% 73.8 H. Let people plan their own retirement. Convert existing obligations into Treasury bonds and give them to existing retirees and the soon to be retired. 100
100% 109322 100% 74.0 Total58.4

Military Draft To what degree should military service be voluntary?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
28.5% 32508 29.7% 65.9 A. No draft now, but keep draft registration in case of a really big war. 50
8.0% 8737 8.0% 69.1 B. Restore the draft, but only for home defense forces. Foreign occupation duty for low level wars such as Afghanistan should be for professionals only. 30
4.3% 4421 4.0% 73.7 C. Restore the draft and use draftees for both home defense and foreign adventures. 20
5.3% 5866 5.4% 68.0 D. Like B, but without a lottery. One year of civilian national service for those who don't do military service. 10
4.8% 4959 4.5% 73.2 E. Like C, but without a lottery. Two years of civilian national service for those who don't do military service. 0
24.7% 27116 24.8% 68.3 F. No draft, but expand the pool of qualified volunteers by offering military training in high schools, colleges, and as low pay summer work programs with no future obligations. 65
8.0% 8829 8.1% 68.0 G. No draft, and don't call up reserves for long term foreign occupations. Reserve forces are for quick staffing up only. After that, foreign wars should be professionals only. 75
10.0% 10396 9.5% 71.9 H. No draft, and don't call up reserves for optional wars (such as Iraq) period. 85
6.3% 6490 5.9% 72.9 I. Like H, but even allow even professionals to quit in between battles (with appropriate financial penalty). Soldiers performing police actions should be volunteers in the same sense that police are volunteers at home. 100
100% 109322 100% 68.7 Total54.9

Abortion At what stage in pregnancy should abortion become illegal? (Not counting medical necessity.)
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
18.3% 20374 18.6% 73.5 A. After birth. Before birth it is purely a woman's choice. 100
16.2% 18876 17.3% 70.5 B. At the age of viability outside the womb. 75
10.1% 11480 10.5% 71.8 C. At 'quickening' (the stage when fetal movement first becomes noticeable to the mother). 50
16.7% 19133 17.5% 71.3 D. The stage when fetal heartbeat is detectable with medical instruments. 40
17.1% 18224 16.7% 76.9 E. Upon implantation. That is, outlaw all abortion save for rape or incest. 25
10.8% 10751 9.8% 82.0 F. Upon implantaton. Outlaw all abortion without the rape/incest exceptions 15
10.9% 10484 9.6% 84.8 G. Upon conception. Outlaw all abortions and conventional birth control pills. 0
100% 109322 100% 74.9 Total48.1

War on Terror What is/was the appropriate military response to terrorism in the 21st Century?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
13.5% 14392 13.2% 78.7 A. What we did. The U.S. response, including the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, was appropriate and sufficient. 50
3.1% 3400 3.1% 76.8 B. More. We should intervene in Syria. 25
6.6% 6744 6.2% 81.8 C. More: we need to stop Iran for getting nuclear weapons, by force of arms if need be. 20
2.3% 2488 2.3% 78.0 D. More: there is another country or countries not mentioned here that need military correction soon. 20
5.8% 5919 5.4% 81.8 E. Two of the above additional interventions 10
7.6% 7614 7.0% 83.9 F. All of the above additional interventions. 0
15.4% 16861 15.4% 76.8 G. Less. Taking out the Taliban and Saddam Hussein were worthwhile, but we shouldn't have stayed for the extensive nation building afterwards. 55
12.9% 14698 13.4% 73.7 H. Less. Afghanistan yes. The second Iraq war no. 65
3.4% 3939 3.6% 73.4 I. Way less. We should have used letters of marque and reprisal against Al Qaeda instead of invading Afghanistan. 90
3.3% 3791 3.5% 74.1 J. Much less. Even the first Iraq war was a mistake, as was Desert Shield. Saddam was Saudi Arabia and Iran's problem. 80
12.2% 13835 12.7% 74.0 K. Way less. They hate us not because we are free, but because we are over there. We should focus on energy independence so we can end our involvement in the Persian Gulf. Levy a large tariff on OPEC oil and/or spend some billions on a serious energy policy. 75
2.0% 2196 2.0% 74.6 L. Way less. Let's get completely out the Persion Gulf now, without waiting for energy independence. 90
11.9% 13445 12.3% 74.1 M. Way less. Get out the Middle East entirely now. And let Israel defend itself. 100
100% 109322 100% 76.8 Total55.3

Mortgage Crisis What should we do about the ongoing mortgage crisis?
Weighted PercentNumberUnweighted
Answer TextAnswer Score
7.0% 7607 7.0% 70.4 A. Inflate the currency to bring nominal incomes and rents in line with current home prices. 40
9.9% 10718 9.8% 70.6 B. Give out grants to homeowners based on how desperate they are. 30
2.5% 2785 2.5% 69.0 C. Buy up surplus housing and demolish it to soak up excess supply. 20
8.1% 8854 8.1% 70.5 D. Two of the above. 15
4.9% 5214 4.8% 71.4 E. All of the above. 0
15.6% 17909 16.4% 66.9 F. Do nothing beyond what we are doing now. The bailouts, new homeowner tax credits, and HARP suffice. 50
20.7% 22465 20.5% 70.6 G. Let prices continue to fall but eliminate negative equity by granting existing homeowners the value of their future mortgage interest deductions as a lump sum payment applied existing mortgages, Then eliminate the mortgage deduction to avoid future bubbles. 70
14.1% 15318 14.0% 70.6 H. Pop the remaining bubble. Eliminate all bailout programs. Yes, some people will learn a hard lesson, but others will gain by being able to afford homes on the cheap. 80
6.0% 6449 5.9% 71.8 I. Pop the bubble even harder. Eliminate the remaining bailout programs, Fannie and Freddie, and the mortgage interest deduction. 90
11.2% 12003 11.0% 71.9 J. Crush the bubble. Pop as above and go to a gold standard to eliminate inflation. 100
100% 109322 100% 70.2 Total57.7

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