In order to get economies of scale, some consensus is needed. Running a slogan for a single candidate is a bit pricey. So I need to know more than you favorite slogans. I need to know acceptable slogans, and slogans you like. These will be balanced against the needs of the party (who is paying for these), who may want to save some signs for later campaigns, and for use at events. Also, I am willing to buy some signs for those slogans I particularly like, if there are candidates who like them. Those signs will be donations by me to the respective campaigns, so you will need to laser print some "authorized by" stickers to go on them. Anyway, please rate the following signs from 1-5, with 1 being lowest and 5 best. That is: 1. Unacceptable: so bad as to damage my campaign 2. Unacceptable: issue is irrelevant to my campaign 3. Acceptable: but not thrilled by it. Will run if I get for free. 4. Acceptable: like it, but prefer others given a chance 5. Acceptable: one of my favorites Feel free to prioritize your favorites [with comments, not by rearranging the order of the list] after providing the ratings. Feel free also to to request new slogans be added to this poll or for alternate wording/punctuation for existing slogans. All the slogans are above the phrase "VOTE LIBERTARIAN". See my Power Point presentation at (From there, download Statements in brackets are not slogans, but editorial comments. Please place your number at the beginning of each line and return to me. ------------------------poll begins here----------------------------------------------- Legalize It! Legalize Freedom Legalize Hemp Dare to Legalize It ABC Stores Instead of Gangsters Defund Crime Bankrupt the Mob STOP Drive-by Shootings Bankrupt Organized Crime Just Say No To Tyranny End Prohibition Pro Life Pro Hemp REAL Tax Cuts REAL Spending Cuts Privatize It! Responsibility? YES! Love Liberty? Love America? Abolish Stupid Programs For Prayer in PRIVATE Schools NO MORE Socialist Schools STOP Socialist "Education" Sell the Schools Better Schools for Everyone Free Markets For Our Children Tax Cuts For the Poor NO Personal Property Tax Lower Taxes To the Ground For Free Market Schools School Choice No Real Estate Tax Drug Addiction: A Disease, Not a Crime Drug Addiction: Illness, Not Crime End Prohibition II Defend the Second Amendment Got Liberty? Got Freedom? Punish Only The Guilty Reclaim Your Government It's Your Money! Are You Overtaxed? ABC Stores - Not Gangsters Defund Drug Dealers Get Government Off Your Back Defend Your Rights Defend Yourself Pursue Your Happiness Limited Government REAL School Choice For REAL School Choice Commercialize Hemp